Why Do YOU Blog?

I kind of feel like I have been slacking on my blogging lately…. or have I?  After spending some time thinking about why I blog, I have come to realize that really, I blog when I need an outlet… when I feel like I am cut off from adult interaction, and feel like I need to use my brain in a way other than to trick my two year old into eating healthy snacks or teaching her toddler things.

With that being said…. If I don’t write posts am I slacking? Or am I just busy living life? Maybe a little bit of both?

These past couple of weeks our routine has gone to crap. We have barely done any letter of the week activities and obviously I have barely written a post.  BUT, Daddy has been on vacation AND Nainy and Grampy came to visit!!  We have been on the go at all times!! With all the excitement I have barely even thought about writing.  Now that everything is settling down I am looking forward to getting back to our routine, including giving some attention to my blog.

So, this has got me wondering…. why do YOU blog?

Bex copy

7 thoughts on “Why Do YOU Blog?

  1. so true! my blogging is for the same reason. and i actually thought the other day how i havent blogged a lot, but we’ve had a lot going on so its hard for me to fully indulge in the outlet…
    so it is definitely my writing outlet… moms definitely need outlets!

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  2. I keep a posting schedule and stick to it … and I have a series of post-its with post ideas on it, so I can somehow keep to things. I blog to express those ideas that I get at all times during the days and write on my post-its. When something strikes me as funny or just moving, I want to write about it.
    But the reason I originally started a blog was to generate an “online presence” to support my future author career. Haha – trying to keep the dream alive, at least. 🙂
    Good luck getting back to your blogging – I’ve been wondering where your posts are!! But summer is often a busy family time.

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    • I like the idea of a posting schedule. I don’t think I’d ever stick to one though. I try to post on Monday’s and then at some point each week for a letter of the week post, other than that it’s whenever the stars align and I can actually type. I do need to start writing down my ideas though. I forget most of them by the time I actually sit down to do it.
      Ooh what kind of writing do you aspire to do?
      Thanks for noticing that I was gone! I’m hoping to get back to it this week!

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      • I can’t believe I can stick to one! It’s been a year for me – that must be a personal record. I really recommend getting a small notebook or stack of post-its, and keep them out with a pen next to it so you can always jot down a quick line!
        I’m for fiction … genre fiction, with maybe a touch of scifi. I’m working on getting published, but it’s a loooong game…..

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      • I think I am going to start doing that. I started a list on my phone but one swift bat of his arm and my little monster deleted it hahah.

        That’s so awesome!! I would love to read it when you’re at that point. Good luck!

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